郑创,男,2008年毕业于马德里自治大学,师从X. Zhang 与E. Zuazua。研究方向:控制论理论与计算. 研究领域:分布参数系统,控制论理论,稳定性理论,反问题,量子力学控制理论,反馈控制设计等。《Math Review》评论员、IEEE会员。主持国家自然科学基金、博士点基金等。
1、On Stabilization of a Class of Nonlinear Systems with Quantized Feedback. With Lin Li and Chanying Li. 7th International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information Processing, Siem Reap, Cambodia, 2016
2、Controllability of a Simplified Reparable System. With Fuli Wei and Weiwei Hu. 31st Youth Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Automation,Wuhan, China, 2016
3、Inverse problems for the fourth order Schroedinger equation on a finite domain Mathematical Control and Related Fields, 5:177-189, 2015
4、Controllability of Hopfield impulsive neural network systems with infinite delay in Banach spaces. With Jingxiang Tang. Proceedings of the Chinese Control Conference, Hangzhou, China, 2015
5、Control problems on differential equations Chapter 18 of “Mathematical Modeling with Multidisciplinary Applications”, John Wiley & Sons, 2013.
6、Exact controllability for the fourth order Schr/"odinger equation. With Zhongcheng Zhou. 2012
7、Boundary Observability of Time Discrete Schr/"oodinger Equations, Preprint on International Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation,2010
8、On the Observability of Time-discrete Linear Conservative Systems.With Sylvain Ervedoza and Enrique Zuazua. Journal of Functional Analysis, 2009
9、Exact Controllability of Time Discrete Wave Equation: Boundary Observability and Control. With Xu Zhang and Enrique Zuazua. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. 2009