张梅,1971年生,教授,博士生导师,现为概率教研室主任。2004年7月毕业于北京师范大学, 获博士学位,研究方向为马尔可夫过程。国家自然科学基金创新群体项目“马氏过程与谱理论”成员(2004-2010),北京师范大学“985工程”高层次人才项目国家创新团队成员(2011至今),现主持国家自然科学基金面上项目1项,主要从事粒子系统、分支过程极限理论的研究工作。
1.国家自然科学基金创新群体“马氏过程与谱理论”成员(10721091), 2004.7-2010.12.
3.主持国家自然科学基金面上项目: 随机环境下的分支过程(11071021),2011.1-2013.12.
4.主持国家自然科学基金面上项目: 广义分枝过程和粒子系统(11371061); 2014.1-2017.12.
1.H. Chen and 张梅, Approximation for counts of 2-runs in a two state Markov chain. Acta Mathematica Sinica, Vol. 29 (10): 1907-1916,2013.
2.Xu Yang and 张梅, Moderate deviation for the Single Point Catalytic Super-Brownian Motion with Immigration, Acta Mathematica Sinica, Vol. 28 (9): 1799-1808, 2012.
3.张梅, Approximation for counts of headruns, Science China, series A, 54(2), 311-324., 2011.
4.张梅, Central limit theorems for a super-diffusion over a stochastic flow, Journal of Theore. Probab., 24 (1), 294-306, 2011.
5.Li, Z. H. Xiong, J. and 张梅, Ergodic theory for a superprocess over a stochastic flow,Stoch. Proc. Appl, 120 (8), 1563-1588, 2010.
6.Xia A, 张梅(通讯作者),On approximation of Markov binomial distributions, Bernoulli, 15(4), 1335-1350, 2009.
7.张梅, On the weak convergence of super-Brownian motion with immigration, Science China, 52(9), 1875-1886, 2009.
8.张梅, Some scaled limit theorems for an immigration super-Brownian motion, Science China, series A,51(2), 203-214, 2008.
9.Li Zenghu, 张梅, Fluctuation Limit Theorems of Immigration Superprocesses with Small Branching. Statist. Probab. Lett. 76 (4), 401—411, 2006.
10.张梅, A Large Deviation Principle for A Brownian Immigration Particle System, Journal of Applied Probability, 42 (4), 1120-1133, 2005.
11.张梅, A Large Deviation Principle for Brownian Immigration Particle System, Front. Math. China 1 (1), 101-104, 2006.
12.张梅, Functional Central Limit Theorems for Super Brownian Motion with Super Brownian Immigration, Journal of Theoretical Probability, 18(3), 665-685, 2005.
13.张梅, Large Deviations for Super-Brownian Motion with Immigration, Journal of Applied Probability, Vol. 41(1), 187-201, 2004.
14.张梅, Moderate Deviations for Super-Brownian Motion with Immigration, Science China, series A, 47(3), 440-452, 2004.
已毕业硕士生5人,在读硕士生 5人,博士生1人。