洪文明, 理学博士(1999).北京师范大学数学学院教授,博士生导师.入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(2006),国家自然科学基金创新研究群体成员.研究方向为马尔可夫过程,目前研究兴趣主要涉及随机环境中的随机游动及扩散过程,分枝过程以及树上的随机游动等方面.
1.国家自然科学基金青年项目(No.10101005),“随机介质中的超过程”(2002,01-- 2004,12)
1.Wenming Hong (2002), Longtime behavior for the occupation time processes of a super-Brownian motion with random immigration. Stochastic Process and their Applications, Vol.102 No.1 43-62.
2.Wenming Hong(2002), Moderate deviation for the super-Brownian motion with super-Brownian immigration, Journal of Applied Probability, Vol.39 No.4 ,829-838.
3.Wenming Hong(2003), Large deviations for the super-Brownian motion with super-Brownian immigration, Journal of Theoretical Probability, Vol.16(4), 899-922.
4.Wenming Hong(2004),A note on 2-level superprocesses, Journal of Applied Probability, Vol.41(1), 202-210.
5.Wenming Hong(2004),Functional central limit theorem for super α-stable processes. Science in China Series A-Mathematics, Vol.47, No.6, 874-881.
6.Wenming Hong(2005),Quenched mean limit theorems for the super-Brownian motion with super-Brownian immigration, Infinite Dimensional Analysis,Quantum Probability and Related Topics, Vol.8, No.3, 383-396.
7.Wenming Hong and Zenghu Li(2005),Large and moderate deviations for occupation times of immigration superprocesses, Infinite Dimensional Analysis,Quantum Probability and Related Topics, Vol. 8, No.4, 593-603.
8.Wenming Hong and Ofer Zeitouni (2007) A quenched CLT for super-Brownian motion with random immigration, Journal of Theoretical Probability, Vol.20, No.4, 807-820.
9.Wenming Hong(2008),Moderate deviations for the quenched mean of the super-Brownian motion with random immigration. Science in China Series A-Mathematics, Vol. 51 (3): 343-350.
10.Wenming Hong(2008),Quenched large deviation for super-Brownian motion with random immigration. Infinite Dimensional Analysis,Quantum Probability and Related Topics, Vol.11, No.4, 627-637.
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