张博宇,北京师范大学,数学科学学院,副教授,硕士生导师。2009年入选国家公派留学计划,赴奥地利维也纳大学师从演化博弈理论奠基人Josef Hofbauer教授和Karl Sigmund院士(奥地利科学院、德国科学院和欧盟科学院三院院士)攻读博士学位。2012年博士毕业后在bte365娱乐场任讲师,2015年破格晋升副教授。
在PNAS(2篇), Operations Research, Games and Economic Behavior, Experimental Economics, Journal of Mathematical Economics等国际著名学术期刊上发表论文30余篇,其中SCI 检索10篇,SSCI检索2篇,SSCI&SCI双检索13篇,第一作者和通讯作者论文共23篇,论文的总影响因子超过80,被引用300余次。研究成果被Nature和PNAS专门发文评论,并多次被发表在Nature, The American Economic Review, Physics Reports, PNAS和Nature Communications等国际顶级期刊的论文引用。1篇论文2014和2015年连续两年入选ESI高被引论文。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目1项,青年项目1项,中央高校基本科研基金1项,横向项目1项;参与国家自然科学基金重点项目1项,卫生部项目1项。
[1] Zhang B, Cao Z, Qin C, Yang X. Fashion and homophily. Operations Research, accepted. (SCI&SSCI)
[2] Cao Z, Jiao F, Qu X, Wang W, Yang M, Yang X, Zhang B*. Rebels lead to the doctrine of the mean: A heterogeneous DeGroot model. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, accepted. (*通讯作者) (SCI)
[3] Han X, Cao S, Bao J, Zhang B*, Wang W, Sanchez A. Equal status in Ultimatum Games promotes rational sharing. Scientific Reports, 8: 1222. (*通讯作者) (SCI)
[4] Sun X, Han X, Bao J, Jiang R, Jia B, Yan X, Zhang B, Wang W, Gao, ZY (2017) Decision dynamics of departure times: Experiments and modeling. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 483: 74-82. (SCI)
[5] Han X, Cao S, Shen Z, Zhang B*, Wang W, Cressman R, Stanley E (2017) Emergence of communities and diversity in social networks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 114: 2887–2891114: 2887–2891. (*通讯作者) (SCI)
[6] Zheng X, Li C, Yu J, Wang S, Fan S, Zhang B*, Tao Y (2017) A simple rule of direct reciprocity leads to the stable coexistence of cooperation and defection in the Prisoner's Dilemma game. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 420: 12-17. (*通讯作者) (SCI)
[7] Sun X, Han X, Bao J, Jiang R, Jia B, Yan X, Zhang B, Wang W, Gao, ZY (2017) Decision dynamics of departure times: Experiments and modeling. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. (SCI)
[8] Zhang B*, Hofbauer J (2016) Quantal response methods for equilibrium selection in bimatrix game. Games and Economic Behaviors, 91: 19-31. (*通讯作者) (SSCI)
[9] Zhang B (2016) Quantal response methods for equilibrium selection in normal form game. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 64: 113-123. (SSCI&SCI)
[10] Zhang B, Fan S, Li C, Zheng X, Bao J, Cressman R, Tao Y (2016) Opting out against defection leads to stable coexistence with cooperation. Scientific Reports, 6: 35902. (SCI&SSCI)
[11] Zhang B, Li C, Tao Y (2016) Evolutionary stability and the evolution of cooperation in heterogeneous graphs, Dynamic Games and Applications, 6: 567-579. (SCI)
[12] Dong Y, Zhang B*, Tao Y (2016) The dynamics of human behavior in the public goods game with institutional incentives. Scientific Reports, 6: 28809. (*通讯作者) (SCI&SSCI)
[13] Zhang B*, Hofbauer J (2015) Equilibrium selection via replicator dynamics. International Journal of Game Theory, 44: 433-448. (*通讯作者) (SSCI&SCI)
[14] Dong Y, Li C, Tao Y, Zhang B* (2015) Evolution of conformity in social dilemmas. PLoS ONE, 10, e0137435. (*通讯作者) (SCI&SSCI)
[15] Li Q, Zhang J, Zhang B*, Cressman R, Tao Y (2015) Effect of spatial dispersion on evolutionary stability: A two-phenotype and two-patch model. PLoS ONE, 10, e0142929. (*通讯作者) (SCI)
[16] Zhang B, Li C, De Silva H, Bednarik P, Sigmund K (2014) The evolution of sanctioning institutions: an experimental approach to the social contract. Experimental Economics, 17: 285-303. (SSCI)
[17] Wu J*, Li C*, Zhang B*, Tao Y, Cressman R (2014) The role of institutional incentives and the exemplar in promoting cooperation. Scientific Reports, 4, 06421. (*共同第一作者) (SCI&SSCI)
[18] Zhang B (2013) Social learning in the ultimatum game. PLoS ONE, 8, e0074540. (SCI&SSCI)
[19] Li C, Zhang B*, Cressman R, Tao Y (2013) Evolution of cooperation in a heterogeneous graph: Fixation probabilities under weak selection. PLoS ONE, 8, e0066560. (*通讯作者) (SCI)
[20] Liu J, von der Kammer H, Zhang B, Legros S, Hofmann T (2013) Combining spatially resolved hydrochemical data with in-vitro nanoparticle stability testing: Assessing environmental behavior of functionalized gold nanoparticles on a continental scale. Environment International, 59: 53-62. (SCI)
[21] Zhang D, Zhang B, Lin K, Tao Y, Hubbell S, He F, Ostling A (2012) Demographic trade-offs determine species abundance and diversity. Journal of Plant Ecology, 5: 82-88. (SCI)
[22] Cressman R, Song J, Zhang B, Tao Y (2012) Cooperation and evolutionary dynamics in the public goods game with institutional incentives. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 299:144-151. (SCI)
[23] Zhang B, Tao Y, Cressman R (2010) Cooperation and stability through periodic impulses. PLoS ONE, 5, e0009882. (SCI)
[24] Ji T*, Zhang B*, Sun Y, Tao Y (2009) Evolutionary dynamics of fearfulness and boldness. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 256: 637–643. (*共同第一作者) (SCI)
[25] Wu J, Zhang B, Zhou Z, He Q, Zheng X, Cressman R, Tao Y (2009) Costly punishment does not always increase cooperation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 106: 17448-17451. (SCI&SSCI)
[26] Wang S, Zhang B, Li Z, Cressman R, Tao Y (2008) Evolutionary game dynamics with impulsive effects. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 254: 384–389. (SCI)
[27] Tao Y, Cressman R, Zhang B, Zheng X (2008) Stochastic fluctuations in frequency-dependent selection: A one-locus, two-allele and two-phenotype model. Theoretical Population Biology, 74: 263–272. (SCI)
[28] Zhang B, Zhang Z, Li Z, Tao Y (2007) Stability analysis of a two-species model with transitions between population interactions. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 248: 145-153. (SCI)
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