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2.Gao Zhiqiang and Deng Guantie,Mntz-type theorem on the segments emerging from the origin, Journal of Approximation Theorey,151(2008),p.181-185.
3. Gao Zhiqiang,Deng Guantie, On weighted approximation by lacunary polynomials on the rays from the origin , Studia Scientiarum Mathematicrum Hungarica 45(2)(2008),p.197-205.
4. Juhong Ning, Guan Tie Deng, Cai Feng Yi. Incompleteness and closure of the system in the weighted Banach space, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 341(2008) 1007-1017.
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6. Yan Feng , Deng Guantie, Completeness of Complex Exponential System in Space ,
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8.张艳慧,邓冠铁,半空间一类次调和函数的增长性质,数学学报(中文版), 51(2)2008,p.319--326.
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