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Erratic behavior for 1-dimensional random walks in generic quasi-periodic environment
发布时间: 2018-05-22     09:29   【返回上一页】 发布人: Bassam Fayad






报告题目: Erratic behavior for 1-dimensional random walks in generic quasi-periodic environment


报告人:Prof. Bassam Fayad Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu


时间地点: 2018年5月23日下午3:00-4:00, 后主楼1124




报告摘要:Sinai proved a localization phenomenon of recurrent one-dimensional nearest-neighbor random walk in random environment. On the other hand, he showed that if the medium is quasi-periodic and Diophantine then the walk behave like a usual walk in constant medium. We show that one-dimensional random walks in a generic symmetric environment have an erratic statistical behavior. We further establish the same erratic behavior for  one-dimensional random walks in a generic quasi-periodic environment (of Liouville frequency).


报告人简介: Bassam Fayad教授师从国际动力系统大师Michael Robert Herman教授,在KAM理论、极小系统、圆周同胚光滑化、cocycle、multiple mixing等领域非常活跃,其相关重要结果在《Annals of Mathematics》、《Inventiones mathematicae》等国际一流期刊上发表,并与菲尔茨奖得主Artur Avila等有广泛的合作,被邀请在即将于巴西召开的2018年国际数学家大会上作报告。

