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Least action principles, 2D Euler drops and p-Euler equations
发布时间: 2018-05-28     12:00   【返回上一页】 发布人:Lei Li






报告题目:Least action principles, 2D Euler drops and p-Euler equations


报告人:Lei Li(副教授,Duke大学)


时间地点:2018531日上午10:00-10:45, 后主楼1124.




报告摘要:In this talk, we will look at the least action principles of free boundary problems for Euler equations and Euler-Poincare equations, and then derive a new system of equations, called p-Euler equations. Regarding the Euler equations of 2D water drops, we propose a conformal mapping formulation and a filtered Fourier pseudo-spectral method for numerical discretization. For p-Euler equations and p-Navier-Stokes equations, we establish the existence of weak solutions in some cases. This talk is based on some works with Prof. Jian-Guo Liu and Prof. Robert Pego.