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Introduction to Differential K-Theory
发布时间: 2018-06-05     10:32   【返回上一页】 发布人:刘博






报告题目:Introduction to Differential K-Theory


报告人:刘博 (华东师范大学)


时间地点:6月13日周三下午1500-1600 后主楼1223




报告摘要:The differential K-theory is a differential generalized cohomology theory which combines the topological K-theory and the information of the geometric data. It is partly motivated by the study of D-branes in theoretical physics by Witten in 1998, which could be regarded as a smooth version of the arithmetic K-theory in Arakelov geometry. In differential K-theory, the role of the holomorphic torsion in arithmetic K-theory is replaced by the Bismut-Cheeger eta form. In this talk, we introduce two models of the differential K-theory and discuss its equivariant extension and the corresponding differential Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch theorem. Especially, we will mainly focus on the functoriality property of the push-forwards (direct images) by using the functoriality and the embedding property of the equivariant eta forms developped in our recent work. 


报告人简介:刘博毕业于南开陈省身数学所,师从张伟平院士,现为华东师范大学博士后,2014年至2017年曾先后为德国科隆大学博士后、德国洪堡大学博士后和美国加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校博士后,曾访问法国IHES研究所、德国马普所等,主要研究指标理论和微分K理论,在《Trans.AMS》、《J. Noncommutative Geom.》等著名期刊发表文章。